INR Full Form

  • Indian Rupee

    INR (Indian Rupee) is currency of India. One rupee is equal to hundread paise in Indian currency. Reserve Bank of India is the central bank which looks after the distribution and economical management of currency in India. From 2010, RBI has launched a special symbol to denote Indian rupee. Central government of India approves the design proposal of banknotes by Reserve Bank of India and then it is sent for printing at the Currency Note Press in Nashik. The first paper money was introduced in India in 1861 during British government.

Full FormCategoryTerm
Indian RupeeCurrencyINR
Interference-to-noise RatioElectronicsINR
I Know, Right?MessagingINR
Inertial ReferenceSpace ScienceINR
International Normalized RatioMeasurement UnitINR
Sault Ste Marie (mi)Airport CodeINR
InncrementComputer Assembly LanguageINR
Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of StateMilitary and DefenceINR
Imager Navigation and RegistrationMilitary and DefenceINR
  • INR - Frequently Asked Questions

    • What is the full form of INR in Currency, Country Currency?
    • Expand full name of INR.
    • What does INR stand for?
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