LR Full Form

Full FormCategoryTerm
Loudness RatingComputer and NetworkingLR
LiberiaCountry NamesLR
Line RateTelecommunicationLR
LADPURAIndian Railway StationLR
Lending RateBankingLR
Liquidity RatioBankingLR
Loan RepaymentAccounts and FinanceLR
Landing RadarSpace ScienceLR
Launch RightSpace ScienceLR
Left RudderSpace ScienceLR
Lower RightSpace ScienceLR
Low RateSpace ScienceLR
Lever ReleaseSpace ScienceLR
Local RepeaterRadio ScienceLR
Load RelativeComputer Assembly LanguageLR
Load To RegisterComputer Assembly LanguageLR
Lightning RodPhysics RelatedLR
Living RoomReal EstateLR
Liverpool RummySportsLR
Locker RoomSportsLR
Locked RotorMilitary and DefenceLR
Low RangeMilitary and DefenceLR
Long RifleMilitary and DefenceLR
Logistic RegressionMilitary and DefenceLR
Local RealismMilitary and DefenceLR
Long RangeMilitary and DefenceLR

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